Prompting OpenAI to create proper RSpec tests & creating a Neovim "Generate RSpec Tests" command
Asking OpenAI to generate RSpec tests for your Rails application can be a powerful way to tackle a large amount of tech debt programmatically, or generate specs — depending on how much you trust your AI’s responses.
I found that by default, OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 model would generate RSpec
request specs using get ":create"
or post ":update"
instead of proper routes
such as api_v1_users_path
or api_v1_user_path(
. It was slightly
tricky to generate a prompt with the exact wording so that OpenAI would only use
proper routes. To implement this, I was able to use the Neovim plugin
and create a custom actions file in the default folder where
looks for custom actions:
. I couldn’t find
another example of a gpt/actions/*.json
file on Github, so I thought I
actually might be the first one to do this, at least publicly on GitHub.
I hope you find this helpful!
“RSpec” prompt
Note that the backticks are there to cause AI to finish a “started” markdown code block, and the curly braces are template inputs for the Neovim command.
For the following instructions, do not use \"get :create\" etc andinstead use full routes like \"api_v1_birds_path\". Implement RSpec tests forthe following code.\n\nCode:\n```{{filetype}}\n{{input}}\n```\n\nTests:\n```{{filetype}}
“Missing method” prompt
You are a Ruby on Rails programmer.Implement the {{method}} method(s) for the following code.\n\nExistingcode:\n```{{filetype}}\n{{input}}\n```\n\n```{{filetype}}
{"WriteRailsMethod": {"type": "chat","opts": {"template": "You are a Ruby on Rails programmer. Implement the {{method}} method(s) for the following code.\n\nExisting code:\n```{{filetype}}\n{{input}}\n```\n\n```{{filetype}}","title": "Write Rails code","strategy": "replace","params": {"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo","stop": ["```"]}},"args": {"method": {"type": "string","optional": "true"}}},"WriteRSpecTests": {"type": "chat","opts": {"title": "Write RSpec tests","template": "For the folllowing instructions, do not use \"get :create\" etc and instead use full routes like \"api_v1_birds_path\". Implement RSpec tests for the following code.\n\nCode:\n```{{filetype}}\n{{input}}\n```\n\nTests:\n```{{filetype}}","strategy": "append","params": {"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo","stop": ["```"],"max_tokens": 2048}}},"WriteRSpecShouldaFactoryBotTests": {"type": "chat","opts": {"title": "Write RSpec tests","template": "For the following command, use shoulda_matchers and assume FactoryBot factories exist for all models. Implement RSpec tests for the following code.\n\nCode:\n```{{filetype}}\n{{input}}\n```\n\nTests:\n```{{filetype}}","strategy": "append","params": {"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo","stop": ["```"]}}}}
ChatGPT.nvim command configuration
For lazyvim, configure the keys
section of ChatGPT.nvim like so:
{"jackMort/ChatGPT.nvim",dependencies = {"MunifTanjim/nui.nvim","nvim-lua/plenary.nvim","nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim",},cond = function()local api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")return api_key and api_key ~= "" and true or falseend,opts = {actions_paths = {-- Add the path to the actions.json file you've created, mine was called rails.jsonactions_config_path .. "/rails.json",},api_key_cmd = 'op item get "Neovim ChatGPT" --fields credential',openai_params = {model = "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k", -- "gpt-4"frequency_penalty = 0,presence_penalty = 0,max_tokens = 300,temperature = 0.3,top_p = 0.3,n = 1,-- Lower temperature and top_p can help with repetitive responses and make the AI more creative-- temperature = 0,-- top_p = 1,},openai_edit_params = {model = "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k",-- model = "gpt-4",frequency_penalty = 0,presence_penalty = 0,temperature = 0,top_p = 1,n = 1,},show_quickfixes_cmd = "Trouble quickfix",},cmd = {"ChatGPT","ChatGPTActAs","ChatGPTCompleteCode","ChatGPTEditWithInstructions","ChatGPTRun",},-- stylua: ignorekeys = {-- ... default keys above{ "<leader>Ra", "<cmd>ChatGPTRun WriteRailsMethod<cr>", desc = "Write Rails code" },{ "<leader>Rt", "<cmd>ChatGPTRun WriteRSpecTests<cr>", desc = "Write RSpec tests", mode = "v" },}}